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Showing posts from November, 2019

6 Deodorant Mistakes You Are Probably Making

Everyone around you appreciates your smell, but are you sure that you put on deodorant in the right way? Many are unaware of how to apply deodorants and all these years, they have been doing it all wrong. Here we have mentioned some of the common mistakes that most people make while putting on deodorant: Don’t know the difference between deodorants and antiperspirants Though both, deodorants and antiperspirants, are applied on the underarms, their purpose is poles apart. Don’t know the difference? As the name suggests, the job of an antiperspirant is to keep away sweating while a deodorant covers the odor, resultant from sweating. When you sweat too much, it’s antiperspirant, not deodorant, you should invest in. Applying deodorant in the morning Before heading out, you want to smell good. That’s all we want to do! But deodorants work best when applied at night before going to bed. The reason is the body is less active which gives deodorants enough time to fight with bacte...